How to Find Lost Android Phone:-
Android is most Popular OS for the Mobile phones. More than
2 billion People own the Android OS based Phone in The world. With increasing
numbers of Android device more the cases of losing the android smartphone has been registered.
In some serious cases police may help you to trace your number by mobile surveillance, but there are many ways to find your lost android phone, some of the simple and common methods are given below.
In some serious cases police may help you to trace your number by mobile surveillance, but there are many ways to find your lost android phone, some of the simple and common methods are given below.
1. Android Device Manager
This feature is provided by the Google to locate your
Android phone
How to Enable
Google Settings app
> Android Device Manager > Allow remote factory reset
If option not Available in your phone you can download
android device manager from Play Store @
Android Device Manager Shows the Current location of your
Android device in Google map and having following remote command to your
android device.
- Ring - Can Ring Your Android for the 5 minutes even in Silent mode.
- Lock - Can lock your device remotely.
- Erase device - you can completely erase your data as Restore Factory setting.
- To make following commands visit
2. Use Android lost
Android lost is site providing many features such as -
Read SMS'es, Remote control alarm, View on map, Send SMS'es
from your PC, Lock the phone, Wipe the phone, Pop up messages on the phone,
Forward your calls, No battery use, Read status, SMS commands, Erase SD card,
SIM card changed - When the SIM card is changed an email will be sent to the
owner of the phone, Hidden SMS, Call list, Camera , Work with Tablets, Text to
speech, Multiple phones on the same account, Browse content.
How to Use
- Go to
- Login with your gmail account
- Just download in Your Android device
- Login with your phone by just starting the Application
- Re login on web page through PC @
Now you can access all the features of your phone those are
provided by site.